Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Information revolution and Wikipedia vs Encyclopaedia Brittannica

Wikipedia vs Encyclopaedia Brittannica

1.What is a brief history of the encyclopedia?

- According to wikipedia, 'encyclopedia is a comprehensive written compendium that holds information from either all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge. Encyclopedias are divided into articles with one article on each subject overed. The articles on subjects in an encyclopedia are usually accessed alphabetically by article name and can be contained in one volume or many volumes, depending on the amount of material included.' [1]

-encyclopedia means general knowledge
-first used the name of encyclopedia in a book in the 16th century

2.What are some key features of that encyclopedia?

according to wikipedia
-is the free encyclopedia on the internet
-adopts "continuous revivsion' policy in 1933 to update the information
-an open-source research tool
-have different versions of languages
-English-language based

according to Encylopedia Brittaannica
-English-language based
-a dictionary of art and science
-edited by scholars

3.Which encyclopedia was most useful for this research?

-Encyclopaedia Britannica is more reliable,correct and useful
-because the information is more arranged and edited
-the information only edited by scholar like experts in Encyclopaedia Britannica
-compare with wikipedia,everybody can edit the contents in wikipedia

4.can you trust this encyclopaedia 100%? why or why not?

-scholars may be wrong and not up-to-date.
[1] "Encyclopedia.". Archived from the original on 2007-08-03. Glossary of Library Terms. Riverside City College, Digital Library/Learning Resource Center. Retrieved on: November 17, 2007.

According to the short video, how have these technologies improved the way that knowledge is stored, created and shared?

In store:
In past:
-find the information in the library
-save time to store (eg: search on the internet)
-find the information easily

In create and share:
In past:
-can write books to share the information
-can upload and share the information easily
-eveywhere and everytime can upload the information

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